Del Estado a los actores sociales en la prevención del extremismo: una revisión de la literatura
Este artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura reciente (2005-2020) sobre las políticas de prevención del extremismo implementadas en la Unión Europea. A partir de los trabajos publicados en la Web of Science, se propone una reflexión sobre los pilares en los que descansan las prácticas de prevención. Se utiliza la estructura de trabajo de la Red Europea RAN (sus áreas temáticas y grupos de trabajo) para organizar los resultados de la revisión. Se concluye que el paradigma preventivo descansa sobre el reclutamiento de actores sociales (del campo de la política social y de la sociedad civil organizada) y se presentan algunos desafíos y cegueras de este enfoque.
Abbas, Tahir. 2019. “Implementing “Prevent” in Countering Violent Extremism in the UK: A Left-Realist Critique”. Critical Social Policy 39 (3): 396–412.
Aiello, Emilia, Lídia Puigvert and Tinka Schubert. 2018. “Preventing Violent Radicalization of Youth through Dialogic Evidence-Based Policies”. International Sociology 33 (4): 435–53.
Ali, Nadya. 2020. “Seeing and Unseeing Prevent’s Racialized Borders”. Security Dialogue, June: 096701062090323.
Alonso, Rogelio. 2017. “Victims of ETA’s Terrorism as an Interest Group: Evolution, Influence, and Impact on the Political Agenda of Spain”. Terrorism and Political Violence 29 (6): 985–1005.
Augestad Knudsen, Rita. 2020. “Between Vulnerability and Risk? Mental Health in UK Counter-Terrorism”. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, January: 1-19.
Baaken, Till, Judy Korn, Maximilian Ruf and Dennis Walkenhorst. 2020. “Dissecting Deradicalization: Challenges for Theory and Practice in Germany”. International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV), September: 1-18.
Bilazarian, Talene. 2020. “Countering Violent Extremist Narratives Online: Lessons From Offline Countering Violent Extremism”. Policy & Internet 12 (1): 46-65.
Bjørgo, Tore. 2016. “Counter-Terrorism as Crime Prevention: A Holistic Approach”. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 8 (1): 25-44.
Bove, Vincenzo, and Tobias Böhmelt. 2020. “Imprisonment and Terrorism”. Terrorism and Political Violence, July: 1-12.
Braddock, Kurt, and John Horgan. 2016. “Towards a Guide for Constructing and Disseminating Counternarratives to Reduce Support for Terrorism”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 39 (5): 381-404.
Braddock, Kurt, and John F. Morrison. 2020. “Cultivating Trust and Perceptions of Source Credibility in Online Counternarratives Intended to Reduce Support for Terrorism”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 43 (6): 468-492.
Bryan, Hazel. 2017. “Developing the Political Citizen: How Teachers Are Navigating the Statutory Demands of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 205 and the Prevent Duty”. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice 12 (3): 213-226.
Busher, Joel, Tufyal Choudhury, and Paul Thomas. 2019. “The Enactment of the Counter-Terrorism “Prevent Duty” in British Schools and Colleges: Beyond Reluctant Accommodation or Straightforward Policy Acceptance”. Critical Studies on Terrorism 12 (3): 440-462.
Butler, Michelle. 2020. “Using Specialised Prison Units to Manage Violent Extremists: Lessons from Northern Ireland”. Terrorism and Political Violence 32 (3): 539-557.
Chivers, Claire. 2018. “What Is the Headspace They Are in When They Are Making Those Referrals? Exploring the Lifeworlds and Experiences of Health and Social Care Practitioners Undertaking Risk Work within the Prevent Strategy”. Health, Risk & Society 20 (1–2): 81-103.
Choudhury, Tufyal. 2017. “Campaigning on Campus: Student Islamic Societies and Counterterrorism”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 40 (12): 1004–1022.
Christodoulou, Eleni A. 2020. ‘“Boosting Resilience” and “Safeguarding Youngsters at Risk”: Critically Examining the European Commission’s Educational Responses to Radicalization and Violent Extremism”. London Review of Education 18 (1): 18–34.
Coppock, Vicki, and Mark McGovern. 2014. ‘“Dangerous Minds”? Deconstructing Counter-Terrorism Discourse, Radicalisation and the “Psychological Vulnerability” of Muslim Children and Young People in Britain”. Children & Society 28 (3): 242-256.
Dresser, Paul. 2019. ‘“Trust Your Instincts – Act!” PREVENT Police Officers’ Perspectives of Counter-Radicalisation Reporting Thresholds”. Critical Studies on Terrorism 12 (4): 605-628.
Elshimi, Mohammed S. 2015. “De-Radicalisation Interventions as Technologies of the Self: A Foucauldian Analysis”. Critical Studies on Terrorism 8 (1): 110-129.
EU Council. 2020. “EU Counter-Terrorism Agenda”,
Fernández de Mosteyrín, Laura, and Pedro Limón. 2017. “Paradigmas y Políticas de Seguridad: una aproximación al Plan Estratégico Nacional de Lucha contra la Radicalización Violenta PEN-LCRV 2015”. Política y Sociedad 54 (3): 805-827.
Frischlich, Lena, Diana Rieger, Anna Morten, and Gary Bente. 2019. “The Power of a Good Story: Narrative Persuasion in Extremist Propaganda and Videos against Violent Extremism”. Application/pdf. International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV), March, a644.
Gielen, Amy-Jane. 2018. “Exit Programmes for Female Jihadists: A Proposal for Conducting Realistic Evaluation of the Dutch Approach”. International Sociology 33 (4): 454-472.
Glazzard, Andrew, and Alastair Reed. 2020. “Beyond Prevention: The Role of Strategic Communications Across the Four Pillars of Counterterrorism Strategy”. The RUSI Journal 165 (1): 74-88.
Hall, Peter A. 1993. “Policy Paradigms, Social Learning, and the State: The Case of Economic Policymaking in Britain”. Comparative Politics 25 (3): 275-296.
Hamid, Nafees. 2020. “‘The Ecology of Extremists’ Communications: Messaging Effectiveness, Social Environments and Individual Attributes”. The RUSI Journal 165 (1): 54-63.
Hardy, Keiran. 2020. “A Crime Prevention Framework for CVE”. Terrorism and Political Violence, February: 1-27.
Heath-Kelly, Charlotte. 2013. “Counter‐Terrorism and the Counterfactual: Producing the “Radicalisation” Discourse and the UK PREVENT Strategy”. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 15 (3): 394-415.
Heath-Kelly, Charlotte. 2017a. “Algorithmic Autoimmunity in the NHS: Radicalisation and the Clinic”. Security Dialogue 48 (1): 29-45.
Heath-Kelly, Charlotte. 2017b. “The Geography of Pre-Criminal Space: Epidemiological Imaginations of Radicalisation Risk in the UK Prevent Strategy, 2007–2017”. Critical Studies on Terrorism 10 (2): 297-319.
Heath-Kelly, Charlotte, and Erzsébet Strausz. 2018. “The Banality of Counterterrorism “after, after 9/11”? Perspectives on the Prevent Duty from the UK Health Care Sector”. Critical Studies on Terrorism 12 (1): 89-109.
Hegemann, Hendrik, and Martin Kahl. 2018. “Security Governance and the Limits of Depoliticisation: EU Policies to Protect Critical Infrastructures and Prevent Radicalisation”. Journal of International Relations and Development 21 (3): 552-579.
Horgan, John, and Kurt Braddock. 2010. “Rehabilitating the Terrorists?: Challenges in Assessing the Effectiveness of De-Radicalization Programs”. Terrorism and Political Violence 22 (2): 267-291.
Johansen, Mette-Louise. 2020. “Epidemic Policing: The Spreading of Counter-Radicalization in Denmark”. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 38 (3): 472-489.
Korn, Judy. 2016. “European CVE Strategies from a Practitioner’s Perspective”. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 668 (1): 180-197.
Kundnani, Arun, and Ben Hayes. 2018. “The Globalisation of Countering Violent Extremism Policies. Undermining Human Rights, Instrumentalising Civil Society”. Transnational Institute.
Lakhani, Suraj. 2020. “Social Capital and the Enactment of Prevent Duty: An Empirical Case-Study of Schools and Colleges”. Critical Studies on Terrorism, September: 1-20.
Lynch, Orla, and Javier Argomaniz. 2017. “Victims of Terrorism and Political Violence: Identity, Needs, and Service Delivery in Northern Ireland and Great Britain”. Terrorism and Political Violence 29 (3): 464-482.
Marsden, Sarah V. 2015. “Conceptualising “Success” with Those Convicted of Terrorism Offences: Aims, Methods, and Barriers to Reintegration”. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 7 (2): 143-165.
Martin, Thomas. 2020. “The Radical Ambitions of Counter‐radicalization”. The British Journal of Sociology, November, 1468-4446.12796.
Mattsson, Christer. 2018. “Caught between the Urgent and the Comprehensible: Professionals’ Understanding of Violent Extremism”. Critical Studies on Terrorism 11 (1): 111-129.
Mattsson, Christer. 2019. “Policing Violent Extremism: How the Global War on Terror Meandered Into Local Municipal Policies in Sweden”. SAGE Open 9 (1): 1-11.
Mattsson, Christer, Nils Hammarén, and Ylva Odenbring. 2016. “Youth “at Risk”: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the European Commission’s Radicalisation Awareness Network Collection of Approaches and Practices Used in Education”. Power and Education 8 (3): 251-265.
Mattsson, Christer, and Roger Säljö. 2018. “Violent Extremism, National Security and Prevention. Institutional Discourses and Their Implications for Schooling”. British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (1): 109-125.
McGlynn, Catherine, and Shaun McDaid. 2019. “Radicalisation and Higher Education: Students’ Understanding and Experiences”. Terrorism and Political Violence 31 (3): 559-576.
Muro, Diego. 2015. “Healing through Action? The Political Mobilization of Victims of Al Qaeda-Inspired Violence in Spain and the United Kingdom”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 38 (6): 478-493.
Neumann, Peter R. 2008. “Perspectives on Radicalisation and Political Violence: Papers from the First International Conference on Radicalisation and Political Violence’”. The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence, January: 1-62.
O’Donnell, Aislinn. 2016. “Securitisation, Counterterrorism and the Silencing of Dissent: The Educational Implications of Prevent”. British Journal of Educational Studies 64 (1): 53-76.
Onursal, Recep, and Daniel Kirkpatrick. 2019. “Is Extremism the “New” Terrorism? The Convergence of “Extremism” and “Terrorism” in British Parliamentary Discourse”. Terrorism and Political Violence, April: 1-23.
Parker, David, Lasse Lindekilde, and Oluf Gøtzsche‐Astrup. 2020. “Recognising and Responding to Radicalisation at the “Frontline”: Assessing the Capability of School Teachers to Recognise and Respond to Radicalisation”. British Educational Research Journal, September: berj.3677.
Parker, David, Julia M. Pearce, Lasse Lindekilde, and M. Brooke Rogers. 2019. “Challenges for Effective Counterterrorism Communication: Practitioner Insights and Policy Implications for Preventing Radicalization, Disrupting Attack Planning, and Mitigating Terrorist Attacks”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 42 (3): 264-291.
Pedersen, Willy, Viggo Vestel, and Anders Bakken. 2018. “At Risk for Radicalization and Jihadism? A Population-Based Study of Norwegian Adolescents”. Cooperation and Conflict 53 (1): 61-83.
Pettinger, Tom. 2020. “British Terrorism Preemption: Subjectivity and Disjuncture in Channel “de-Radicalization” Interventions”. The British Journal of Sociology, April.
Pettinger, Tom. 2021. “CTS and Normativity: The Essentials of Preemptive Counter-Terrorism Interventions”. In Bringing Normativity into Critical Terrorism Studies, edited by Alice Martini, 86-109. Abingdon: Routledge.
Puigvert, Lídia, Emilia Aiello, Esther Oliver, and Mimar Ramis-Salas. 2020. “Grassroots Community Actors Leading the Way in the Prevention of Youth Violent Radicalization”. PLOS ONE 15 (10): e0239897.
Qurashi, Fahid. 2018. “The Prevent Strategy and the UK “War on Terror”: Embedding Infrastructures of Surveillance in Muslim Communities”. Palgrave Communications 4 (1): 17.
Ragazzi, Francesco. 2016. “Suspect Community or Suspect Category? The Impact of Counter-Terrorism as Policed Multiculturalism”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 4 (5): 724-741.
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Richardson, Robin. 2015. “British Values and British Identity: Muddles, Mixtures, and Ways Ahead”. London Review of Education 13 (2): 37-48.
Saberi, Parastou. 2019. “Preventing Radicalization in European Cities: An Urban Geopolitical Question”. Political Geography 74 (October): 102-139.
Schmid, Alexander. 2013. “Radicalisation, De-Radicalisation and Counter-Radicalisation: A Conceptual Discussion and Literature Review”. International Centre for Counter-Terrorism - The Hague, ICCT Research Paper.
Schmidt, Rachel. 2020. “Duped: Examining Gender Stereotypes in Disengagement and Deradicalization Practices”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, February: 1-24.
Schuurman, Bart, and Edwin Bakker. 2016. “Reintegrating Jihadist Extremists: Evaluating a Dutch Initiative, 2013–2014”. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 8 (1): 66-85.
Shanaah, Sadi. 2019. “Alienation or Cooperation? British Muslims’ Attitudes to and Engagement in Counter-Terrorism and Counter-Extremism”. Terrorism and Political Violence.
Silverman, Tanya. 2017. “U.K. Foreign Fighters to Syria and Iraq: The Need for a Real Community Engagment Approach”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 40 (12): 1091–1107.
Sjøen, Martin M., and Sissel H. Jore. 2019. “Preventing Extremism through Education: Exploring Impacts and Implications of Counter-Radicalisation Efforts”. Journal of Beliefs & Values 40 (3): 269-283.
Sjøen, Martin M., and Christer Mattsson. 2020. “Preventing Radicalisation in Norwegian Schools: How Teachers Respond to Counter-Radicalisation Efforts”. Critical Studies on Terrorism 13 (2): 218-236.
Skiple, Alida. 2020. “The Importance of Significant Others in Preventing Extremism: The Philosophy and Practice of the Swedish Tolerance Project”. YOUNG 28 (4): 422–38.
Skoczylis, Joshua, and Sam Andrews. 2020. “A Conceptual Critique of Prevent: Can Prevent Be Saved? No, But…”. Critical Social Policy 40 (3): 350-369.
Spalek, Basia, and Douglas Weeks. 2017. “The Role of Communities in Counterterrorism: Analyzing Policy and Exploring Psychotherapeutic Approaches within Community Settings”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 40 (12): 991-1003.
Stanley, Tony. 2018. “The Relevance of Risk Work Theory to Practice: The Case of Statutory Social Work and the Risk of Radicalisation in the UK”. Health, Risk & Society 20 (1–2): 104-112.
Stanley, Tony, Surinder Guru and Vicki Coppock. 2017. “A Risky Time for Muslim Families: Professionalised Counter-Radicalisation Networks”. Journal of Social Work Practice 31 (4): 477-490.
Stephens, William, and Stijn Sieckelinck. 2020. “Being Resilient to Radicalisation in PVE Policy: A Critical Examination”. Critical Studies on Terrorism 13 (1): 142-165.
Stephens, William, Stijn Sieckelinck and Hans Boutellier. 2019. “Preventing Violent Extremism: A Review of the Literature”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, January: 1-16.
Szczepek Reed, Beatrice, Ian Davies, Fatma Said, Géraldine Bengsch, and Jayme Sally. 2020. “Arabic Schools and the Promotion of Fundamental British Values: A Community’s Ambitions for Consensual Diversity”. British Journal of Educational Studies, January: 1-19.
Taylor, Joel David. 2020. “Suspect Categories,” Alienation and Counterterrorism: Critically Assessing PREVENT in the UK”. Terrorism and Political Violence 32 (4): 851-873.
Thomas, Paul. 2009. “Between Two Stools? The Government’s “Preventing Violent Extremism” Agenda”. The Political Quarterly 80 (2): 282-291.
Thomas, Paul. 2010. “Failed and Friendless: The UK’s “Preventing Violent Extremism” Programme”. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 12 (3): 442-458.
Thomas, Paul. 2017. “Changing Experiences of Responsibilisation and Contestation within Counter-Terrorism Policies: The British Prevent Experience”. Policy & Politics 45 (3): 305-321.
Thornton, Amy, and Noémie Bouhana. 2019. “Preventing Radicalization in the UK: Expanding the Knowledge-Base on the Channel Programme”. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 13 (3): 331-344.
Trujillo, Humberto M., Javier Jordán, Jose Antonio Gutiérrez, and Joaquín González-Cabrera. 2009. “Radicalization in Prisons? Field Research in 25 Spanish Prisons”. Terrorism and Political Violence 21 (4): 558-579.
Weert, Annemarie van de, and Quirine A.M. Eijkman. 2019. “Subjectivity in Detection of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism: A Youth Worker’s Perspective”. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 11 (3): 191-214.
Weert, Annemarie van de, and Quirine A.M. Eijkman. 2020. “Early Detection of Extremism? The Local Security Professional on Assessment of Potential Threats Posed by Youth”. Crime, Law and Social Change 73 (5): 491-507.
Weine, Stevan, David P. Eisenman, Janni Kinsler, Deborah C. Glik, and Chloe Polutnik. 2017. “Addressing Violent Extremism as Public Health Policy and Practice”. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 9 (3): 208-221.
Winterbotham, Emily, and Elizabeth Pearson. 2016. “Different Cities, Shared Stories: A Five-Country Study Challenging Assumptions Around Muslim Women and CVE Interventions”. The RUSI Journal 161 (5): 54-65.
Younis, Tarek. 2020. “The Psychologisation of Counter-Extremism: Unpacking PREVENT”. Race & Class, September.
Zick, Andreas, Wilhelm Berghan, and Nico Mokros. 2020. “Jung, feindselig, rechts!? Menschenfeindliche, rechtspopulistische und -extreme Orientierungen im intergenerativen Vergleich”. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 23 (6): 1149-1178.
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